BASTROP, Texas, Aug. 16, 2022

Mary Harcourt of CosmoGlo LLC. - "Innovation is important to the core of all societies. We're excited to announce the Italian courts have enforced our patent against willful infringement of the CosmoGlo(TM)️ Light. This is a celebratory step forward for American manufacturing and product innovation."

BASTROP, Texas, Aug. 16, 2022/PRNewswire/ -- CosmoGlo, LLC. pioneered a luxury, modern-looking curved light that provides even lighting. Trusted by experts in the field of aesthetics and used by service professionals, CosmoGlo was designed by Mary Harcourt, an established beauty professional. CosmoGlo has been awarded Design patents globally including in the USA, AUS, UK, and EU.

Mary Harcourt of CosmoGlo said in response to the ruling,

Innovation takes effort, capital, and vision, and is important to the core of all societies. On behalf of the CosmoGlo development department, operations teams, and legal teams, I am excited to announce that the EU Courts have enforced our patent. This ruling provided legal protection for the countless hours, dollars, and resources committed to bringing forth new innovation. I appreciate the EU for their support.

The judge Judge Dott. Alberto La manna stated,

The grievance of the applicant in relation to the infringement of its model must be considered well-founded since the confusion between the two products is evident in an overall evaluation. The proposed request must therefore be considered well-founded and deserves acceptance.

Consequently, the defendant must be prevented from producing and marketing the Moon Light Lamp with a consequent order to withdraw the products described from the market and to fix the penalty for the violation of this provision... The expenses follow the loss and are paid according to the disposition.


Manufactured in the USA CosmoGlo Light(TM)️ provides full coverage rotational lighting that eliminates shadows with customizable brightness. Visit or

Source: Market Watch