CosmoGlo IP and Patent Information

"A patent grants the patent holder the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, importing or selling the invention or close design of the invention. What is granted is not the right to make, use, offer for sale, sell or import the invention, but the right to stop others from doing so. If someone infringes on your patent, you may initiate legal action."

- The United States Patent and Trademark Office


CosmoGlo's Successful Win Against InfringerIssue Wire

8/5/2022 | USA - Based lighting company celebrates huge win for American inventors who want to change the world. 


CosmoGlo Celebrates Award of Design PatentPR Newswire

8/17/2022 | CosmoGlo is on track to becoming the global leader in Aesthetics by celebrating the award of their Design Patent.


CosmoGlo | Copyright 

Filed May 2020 + Ongoing
We have over 1,000 protected images and actively enforce on them.

What is Copyright? 

CosmoGlo | Trademarks 

We have registered trademarks across the globe and actively enforce on them

USA - Registered 90330084 COSMOGLO
UK + European Union Registered 1786341 COSMOGLO

What is a Trademark?


Filed Patents 

"What's worth creating is worth protecting"

- Mary Harcourt, Founder and inventor of CosmoGlo

We actively enforce on our patents against infringers.
We have taken legal action against infringers on several occasions on have yet to lose a patent suit. 


Design Patents

USA Design Patent number is D960427S | 20230199925 | Awarded 08/09/2022. 

Registered 05/01/2020 

Australia Industrial Design Registration Patent | Awarded 202111896

Registered: 12/05/2021

European Industrial Design Registration Patent | Awarded 008486203

Registered 29/04/2021

UK Registered Design | Awarded 6128659

Registered 05/04/2021

Utility Patents

USA Utility Patent |Applied 05/01/2020 - Pending 

European Utility Registration Patent | EP21795607.7

Filed 4/3/21 - Pending

Korean Utility Patent Application No. 10-2022-7041958

Filed 2021 | Pending

Japan Utility Patent  | 469US01JP

Filed 2021 | Pending

Brazil Utility Patent | 112022022033-2

Filed 2021 | Pending

Australia Utility Patent | 2021264020

Filed 2021 | Pending


What is Intellectual Property?


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